Proposal to Relocate the Numbers Launch Site

08/14/2017 4:46 PM | Deleted user

The USDA Forest Service, San Isabel National Forest, Leadville Ranger District is seeking public comment on a proposal to relocate the Numbers Launch Site on the Arkansas River to a new location south of existing site.  “The new launch site will provide for improved aesthetics, access, and safety,” according to the August 7, 2017, public scoping document.

The proposed action is to restore the old launch site to a natural setting by removing all improvements (signs, kiosks, fences, etc.) and rehabilitating the access road and parking area.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPAW) will construct a new launch site with a new access road, parking lot, loading zone, fee station, restroom, and stairs with a boat side. The loading zone will be location on CPAW property, but the proposal is to locate the other facilities on adjacent National Forest land.

The Forest Service is seeking public comments to the proposal in person, by phone, and by e-mail by September 1.

For more information contact:
The Leadville Ranger District, 810 Front Street, Leadville, CO 80461, 719-486-0749, 

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