New Access on Arkansas River

03/09/2017 3:45 PM | Deleted user

At the end 2016, the Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area (AHRA) purchased property from Union Pacific Railroad in Texas Creek on the Arkansas River. The new launch area is now groomed and ready for commercial and private Use. 

Location: The Texas Creek Recreation Site is located at Mile Marker 252 off of US Highway 50 (between Cotopaxi and Canon City). Take Fremont County Road 27 across the river and immediately turn left, crossing a yellow cattle guard. The boat ramp is located to your left in the dry wash.  

Parking: Parking is across CR 27 with plenty of space or further up CR 27.  

Fee: None

Facilities: Boat ramp, fishing access, hiking, house/mountain bike, OHV riding (with a valid Colorado OHV sticker), parking, and river access.  (Restrooms are available at the OHV parking across the railroad tracks and back toward the northeast.) 

Colorado Whitewater is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  455 Sherman Street, Suite 300 Denver, CO 80203

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