Colorado Whitewater's Fall Dinner and Annual Elections
Join your CW friends at this year's annual Fall Dinner! We have Tom Martin, who will be showing us amazing historical Grand Canyon film footage, a great prize drawing for our Cruise Leaders (you don't need to be present to win), and elections for the 2018 board of directors. Did we mention a delish Mexican dinner and beer from our sponsor, Good River Beer?
Registration is now OPEN!
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Time: 5:30 - 10:00 pm
5:30 - Doors Open; Cocktails/Socialize (BYOB)
6:00 - Mexican Dinner, vegetarian options available
7:15 - Announcements and Annual Elections
7:45 - Guest Speaker Tom Martin
8:30 - Socialize/Cleanup
American Mountaineering Center, 710 10th Street Golden, CO 80401
Catered by Bonfire Burritos
An assortment of soda will be provided, beer will be donated by Good River Beer, wine will be donated by Winesellers, Ltd. You're welcome to bring your own beverage as well.

Members - $25
Non-members - $30
Online ticket sales will be available through November 3. A very limited number of tickets will be available at the door for $30 for members and $35 for non-members. It really helps with food planning to buy your tickets in advance. No promises of yummy food for you if you wait!
Annual Elections
We will also be conducting our annual elections. If you're interested in serving on the CW Board of Directors, please contact Elizabeth Austen. You can find descriptions of the board positions here.
Guest Speaker: Tom Martin
Our featured speaker is Tom Martin, Grand Canyon historian and guide book author. Tom will present a 50 minute behind the scenes look at Otis “Dock” Marston’s book “From Powell to Power: A Recounting of the First One Hundred River Runners Through Grand Canyon.”
Submarine Commander Marston first floated in a wooden boat thought Grand Canyon in 1942. Five years later, he started to write a history of river running in the Grand Canyon. What he thought would be a six month project in 1947 kept Dock busy over the next thirty years. Along the way Dock amassed a huge collection of first-person accounts of these river runners, from James White on a log raft in 1867 to the first Grand Canyon powerboat runs of 1949 through 1951. Marston’s book is unparalleled in the depth and breadth it brings to recounting the history of the first 100 river runners through the Grand Canyon.
This presentation includes historic film footage of Marston and other river runners from the early 1900s through 1960s. Martin will touch on who Dock Marston was, and look at some of the highlights of Marston’s recountings of the First 100. Copies of Marston’s book, along with Tom Martin’s Grand Canyon history, hiking and river running guides, will be available for purchase at this presentation. Proceeds of book sales at this event will benefit Colorado Whitewater Association.